“Ocaña put his face”, Jordi Mayoral

“Ocaña put his face”, Jordi Mayoral

This past Monday, 13th of May, the gallerist Jordi Mayoral; Ocaña’s personal friend and artist Nazario and art critic Pedro G. Romero celebrated José Pérez Ocaña’s memory and footprint in a conversation that lasted a little over an hour at the Museu de l’Art Prohibit....
How can we challenge the algorithm?

How can we challenge the algorithm?

Daniel García Andújar and David Casacuberta belong to the generation that made the transition from the industrial revolution to the communication one. Both consider technology to always be a control system and that artificial intelligence has opened a sort of Pandora...
Vindicating the legacy of architect Enric Sagnier

Vindicating the legacy of architect Enric Sagnier

The work of Enric Sagnier in Barcelona is more than significant in the city of Barcelona, some of its most emblematic buildings are the Port Customs, the Palace of Justice, the Royal Maritime Club, the Rodolf Juncadella house, or the Garriga Nogués house, current...
What about artists’ working conditions?

What about artists’ working conditions?

Based on the premise that the working conditions of cultural professionals need a new legal framework to protect them from precariousness, on March 21 the Museum of Forbidden Art organized a debate entitled ‘What about the artist’s status?’. To...